Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Breed Information

Alaskan Malamute Breed Information Category: Pets and Animals
Know the Breed You are Going To Live With!
Alaskan Malamutes are not from the same mold as the typical dog in both some positive and some negative respects.
Malamutes are lively and alert to their surroundings. They are intelligent but often independent by nature. Because of this, it is recommended that the new owner enlist their Malamute in formal obedience classes to develop discipline and proper social behavior. Training can be the difference between a problem dog and an enjoyable companion.
While resembling wolves, they are not closely related. Alaskan Malamutes are generally friendly and desirous of human affection and attention. Malamutes usually are too friendly to be good watch dogs, although their appearance often is intimidating to strangers. Malamutes are definitely not one-man or one-family oriented. They generally should get along as well with any breed and children; but, of course, the children should not be allowed to abuse the dog. Alaskan Malamutes are good listeners and can carry on a conversation by "talking" (not barking) in "woo-woos". Malamutes will generally howl upon hearing sirens, as if they are answering a long, lost cousin in the distance. Usually malamutes are one of the quieter breeds, making noise only if there is a good reason. On the other hand, there is always exception to the rule.
Because of their size and strength, Malamutes can be fairly destructive by chewing and digging, particularly as puppies. Therefore, the removal of temptation and vigilant watching will be effective precautions. While Alaskan Malamutes from puppy hood can be successfully raised with the existing family dog or cat, they usually are not tolerant of strange animals with which they come in contact. The responsible owner should have his dog under control in a fenced yard or on a leash; thus, not creating a problem. Malamutes are a danger to livestock. If you are not ready to deal with this with a firm hand, you should consider not purchasing a malamute.
The Alaskan Malamute has his own unique personality with virtues and vices which make them such an interesting companion for many people.


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